A New Planning System for Canberra

The ACT Government has released the New Planning Act and supporting plans and acts including the New Territory Plan. 

Below are links to the ACT Gov page with a completed overview and a link to download “Part E” the which covers the residential zoning. 

image of book

The Campbell Community

Book back in print by popular demand.
Limited copies available.
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Campbell Community Association Logo

Our Community is better together

The objectives of the Association are to:

1. Provide a focal point for residents, businesses, developers and government to create a Campbell that is one of the most liveable suburbs in Canberra.

2. Provide a point of contact for community consultations affecting Campbell.

3. Encourage Campbell Community activities which will foster a sense of community and connection for our residents.

How May We Help You?



Connecting Campbell Residents with each other. Connecting the Campbell Community to the broader community



Protecting our trees, parks and reserves. Creating a sense of community and interconnectedness



Providing a central point and local voice for Campbell Community relating to development, social, environment, and resources.

Work With Us

Do you have a project or idea you which would benefit the Campbell Community?

We would love to hear about it and help supporting you to get it off the ground. 

Please use the contact form to reach out and we will be in touch!